Bright and Bold

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Ramblings

I thought I would tell you all what has been going on with me.  First, I am still wrestling with the vertigo but doing so much better.  Just in time for an asthmatic chest cold!  My physical therapist says it is part of the virus that is causing the vertigo.  (I'm doing PT for the vertigo)

Anyway, in the midst of all this I am the vocal coach for a children's theatre company, we are doing the musical "Alice in Wonderland.". I'm trying to teach the kids the music with a voice that sounds like a frog and lungs that are sucking air.  :-). Ya gotta laugh or you'll cry.  Somehow it is working cause the kids are doing great!

 If that's not enough my mom ended up in the hospital and my sister just had surgery Monday for a total knee replacement.  So this is the long explanation for why I haven't crafted.

Can you tell I'm heading for the cliff?  Not really, the Lord has been so good to me through out it all. I'm sleeping like a baby and am blessed with a very supportive husband.  And...have I mentioned that I am going to be a grandma? My daughter Ashley is pregnant with my first grandchild.  I am sssssooooo excited!!

So I'm not really complaining just rambling.  I'm hoping by the end of the week I can get into my craft room.  I have so many things I want to make and share with you!  In the meantime...

God bless and have a grateful day,

Anita aka Nit

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